Home » Longevity » Dr. Rhonda Patrick Diet (Review 2020): What, Why & How She Eats

Dr. Rhonda Patrick Diet (Review 2020): What, Why & How She Eats

Just like Dr. David Sinclair, Dr. Rhonda Patrick believes that a wholesome diet and comprehensive exercise routine can delay the effects of aging.

But who is Dr. Rhonda Patrick, and why should you care what she has to say on the matter?

In the article below, you can read all her qualifications. She’s a scientist who wants to explain her findings so that everyone can understand them, and so that everyone can be their best, healthiest version.

We’ve followed her on social media, watched most of her interviews and podcasts, and so this article was born. We’ll detail the main principles behind her philosophy, and explain why she believes that food can slow down the aging and keep illness at bay.

From the food she eats to the supplements she takes, we have Dr Rhonda Patrick uncovered just below.

The Dr Rhonda Patrick Diet Plan & Supplements: (Updated 2020)

Before getting to the supplements part, let’s get the wiki on Dr Patrick.

Who is Rhonda Patrick?

Dr. Rhonda Patrick is an American biochemist. She has her PhD degree in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Her major area of study includes cancer, aging, and proper nutrition.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s work is impactful and innovative.

She studies the role of vitamins and minerals on people’s metabolism and immunity, trying to find whether vitamin supplements can delay the effects of aging and stabilize our immunity.

For instance, Rhonda Patrick has researched how vitamin D improves brain function and stabilizes moods and behavior.

As founder and host of Found My Fitness, she aims to educate people on matters related to health and longevity.

She believes that people should be proactive and try to prevent the damages stress induces on their bodies.

How old is she? Dr. Rhonda Patrick was born in 1978, so she’s 41 years old. She and her husband Daniel have a 2017-born baby girl, so Dr. Patrick has been giving a lot of advice on healthy pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting on her Twitter, Facebook, and podcasts.

Is Rhonda Patrick Vegan?

No. Dr Rhonda Patrick believes in the “moderation in everything” principle, including diet. She consumes meat and eggs daily, though she limits her red meat consumption to a few times per month.

Why isn’t such an educated, brilliant researcher vegan? If you want to read an objective debate between promoters of veganism like Michael Gerber vs promoters of moderation like Rhonda Patrick, Reddit has you covered.

Where Does Dr. Rhonda Patrick Practice?

Dr Patrick was a postdoctoral fellow at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, where she researched the role of micronutrients on metabolism and DNA damage.

Found My Fitness

She also worked at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, researching the role of insulin in neurodegenerative diseases.

In 2012, Dr. Rhonda Patrick founded her company, YouTube channel, and a website called Found My Fitness.

What Kind of Supplement Does Rhonda Patrick Use?

Dr. Rhonda Patrick takes:

  • Multivitamins and minerals to get more energy and avoid the effects of stress on her metabolism and immunity
  • Fish oil for brain power
  • Metabolism-enhancers, like PPQ that give her more energy and more cognitive power
  • Probiotics for her digestive system
  • Hydrolyzed Collagen for her joints and bones (she uses Great Lakes Brand)
  • Nootropics to concentrate better and increase her mental clarity, particularly in stressful, work-filled periods

Although Dr. Patrick takes multivitamins, minerals, probiotics, and fish oil daily, she restricts the use of nootropics to periods of high stress and huge work volume.

Pure Encapsulation Multivitamin

Pure Encapsulations

Dr. Rhonda Patrick takes these Multivitamins by Pure Encapsulations because she thinks they’re the best on the market.

One reason is, unlike other multivitamins, these have more micronutrients. These activated vitamins and minerals mean that the pills are more easily absorbed into your bloodstream, rather than peed out.

From vitamin A to a complex of vitamins B, calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium, these multivitamins have it all.

Another reason is they have boron, a trace element that favors DNA repair, and so increases healing. Boron is also involved in the mechanism that produces more plasma-free testosterone and in vitamin D’s longevity.

Pure Encapsulations Fact

Besides, Pure Encapsulation is a brand with tradition in the supplements market. They have conducted dozens of clinical studies, which they’ve published in reputable, peer-reviewed magazines.

Pure Encapsulations takes pride in working with various professionals from nutritional health, from immunology to nutrition, to mental health, and genomics.


  • Sourced from pure, premium ingredients
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Carefully formulated
  • No magnesium stearate, gluten, artificial ingredients, GMO’s, and hydrogenated fat
  • Vegetarian capsule
  • Well-absorbed and effective


  • Difficult to swallow


Swanson Higher Potency Vitamin D

Swanson D3

Dr Rhonda Patrick takes 2000 iu of vitamin D every day, especially if she doesn’t spend enough time outside in the sun.

Dr. Patrick prefers Swanson Higher Potency vitamin D, which contains 2,000 iu of vitamin D-3 for each capsule.

Although that amounts to 500% of the daily recommended value, keep in mind that vitamin D-3 is difficult to absorb in the body, which is why you need a bigger dose.

The role of vitamin D-3 is to maintain the health of your heart, immune system, and bones.

Vitamin D-3 is involved in the mechanism of calcium absorption, which also supports cardiovascular, bone, and immunological health.

Swanson Supplemment facts

Other ingredients include some fillers and additives like rice flour, gelatin, modified food starch, sucrose, sodium ascorbate, silica, and dl-alpha-tocopherol.

All these are legit and safe, and you can find them in most drugs to increase shelf-life, keep the ingredients together, and make the capsule easy to swallow.

The surprise is that the capsules include medium-chain triglycerides. These are fatty-acids, easily transformed into ketones in your body.

If you’re on a keto diet, these fatty acids help you maintain ketosis. However, they’re also involved in the D-3 absorption mechanism.


  • High potency
  • Safe
  • Includes MCTs
  • USA-made
  • Purity, potency, identity, microbiology, plus heavy metals testing
  • ISO-certified. Respects the FDA and FTC standards in place


  • None. Side-effects like nausea and headaches are related to over-consumption of vitamin D-3. Vitamin D-3 also interacts with conditions like kidney disease and hyperparathyroidism, which is why you should consult your GP before taking this supplement.


Magnesium Citrate Malate from Thorne Research

Magnesium Citrate Malate Thorne Research

Rhonda Patrick takes 135 mg of magnesium citrate malate, although she prefers getting her dose of magnesium from eating green foods.

She prefers Thorne Research because she thinks it’s one of the best products on the market, manufactured from pure ingredients, hypoallergenic, and vegan.

Why should you take magnesium? Most Americans don’t get enough magnesium from their diet because they don’t consume enough leafy greens.

Supplement Facts

Magnesium improves the health of your heart, kidneys, and lungs, gives you more energy, and fights tiredness.

This supplement is a magnesium citrate malate, meaning it’s more easily absorbed into your bloodstream. This supplement helps your body metabolize a variety of carbohydrates, including sugar, meaning it can stabilize your glycemic index.


  • Efficient
  • Easily absorbed
  • Health benefits galore
  • Hypoallergenic
  • No gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, yeast, and fish
  • Sourced from clean ingredients and manufactured with clean formulas
  • Extensively-tested
  • US-made


  • The pills are large and a little chalky
  • Possible capsule leakage


Vitamin K2

K-2 Swanson

Vitamin K2 is found naturally in organ meats and fermented foods. Along with vitamin D-3, vitamin K2 is involved in calcium absorption in your body.

Although she eats meat daily, Dr. Rhonda Patrick supplements her diet with 100ug of K2. Swanson Natural Vitamin K-2 is in Menaquinone-7 form, so it’s natural and has double potency compared to other types of vitamin K2.

K-2 Higher Potency

That means calcium absorption will be made easier, so your bones are healthy, and there’s no risk of clogging your arteries with calcium deposits.


  • High efficiency because menaquinone-7 is extremely easily absorbed
  • Natural because it’s derived from a fermented soybean product called natto
  • Bone health, cardiovascular health, and smoother skin
  • FDA-compliant
  • Purity and potency verified in their own tests as well as third-party tests


  • Contains sulfites, which may trigger severe asthmatic episodes


Fish Oil

Nordic Natural's Omega-3

Rhonda Patrick takes two capsules of Omega-3 Phospholipids by Nordic Naturals, made from herring roe.

That means it has a high intake of a phospholipid called DHA, which is the easiest absorbed by the brain.

DHA is found in a similar form in krill oil, but the pills come with the benefit of no yucky taste and texture.

Dr. Patrick has admitted to taking four capsules daily of Nordic Naturals’ ProOmega 2000. These capsules contain omega 3, a fatty acid for brain health, improved metabolism, and anti-aging.

Supplement Facts

These omega 3s are made in a process with removed oxygen, meaning the fish oil doesn’t oxidize.

These Omega-3 Phospholipids by Nordic Naturals assist your heart, brain, and cell health. They are made in true triglyceride form, not in a synthetic fat form, so they’re more easily metabolized in your body.


  • Assist your metabolism, brain, and heart health
  • One capsule contains more than the daily recommended dose of Omega-3
  • Easily absorbed
  • Derived from sustainably-sourced fish
  • Non-GMO


  • Some people find them difficult to swallow because of the gel capsule
  • Some people dislike the capsules’ smell, but that’s just because of the fish oil


VSL #3 probiotics

Visbiome Unflavored

Occasionally, once per week or per two weeks, Dr Rhonda Patrick takes VSL #3 probiotics.

This prebiotic supplement contains a mix of live lactic acid bacteria, which pass through a freeze-drying process before being mixed into the final product. VSL #3 contains high concentrations of bacteria cultures, up to 900 billion.

These bacteria can support your gut microbiota because they’re high-potency.

Visbiome Unflavored Powder Probiotic VSL

The reason they work so well is that they have a high bacterial concentration and because they use bacteria from a eight different strains.

Mixing bacterial species maintains the microbial balance of your stomach and intestines. That way, your digestive system can function optimally.


  • Freeze-dried
  • High-potency
  • High-quality technology used
  • World-wide seller


  • Possible stomach bloating or discomfort


Nicotinamide Riboside

Nicotinamide Riboside

Nicotinamide riboside is a type of vitamin B3, which is easily transformed into NAD+.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a coenzyme aka a helper molecule that assists metabolic function by helping your body convert food into energy, repairing DNA, and improving the immune system.

No list

Thorne Research – NiaCel-250 is a Nicotinamide Riboside Supplement with ChromaDex’s Niagen.

This supplement contains a unique patented molecule. Thorne Research promises that its NR supplement will:

  • Give you more energy
  • Reduce the unpleasant effects of aging
  • Improve your endurance
  • Increase in alertness, and cognitive function


  • Effective
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Vegan
  • Additive-free
  • Sourced from top ingredients
  • Eco-friendly


  • Pricey
  • Some people didn’t see the desired effects. For some, NR doesn’t work and have taken Nicotinamide and Riboside separately. Others are put down by the long time it takes to see the effects.



Curcumin Turmeric

The Meriva Curcumin Turmeric Supplement boasts a pharmacist-formulated mix for joint health.

As such, it features the highest dose available Meriva curcumin. Meriva curcumin reduces bone stiffness and provides joint support so you can be more flexible.

The unique formula includes, apart from Meriva, Calcium, Ginger, Chamomile, Bioperine, and Boswellia.

In fact, this product is the only one that features Meriva curcumin and black pepper extract (Bioperine) together.

Apart from its health properties, black pepper accelerates the absorption process.

Curcumin 550mg

Touted as three times more powerful as turmeric tea, Turmaquik is the only turmeric supplement that follows a similar process to Blue Zone cooking.

Blue Zones are five places in the world where people live active lives well past 100 years old.

They fry the turmeric in oil and mix it with other spices, which is believed to increase its potency.


  • Bone health
  • Flexibility
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Can ease the symptoms of neuropathy
  • Vegan
  • Easily-absorbed


  • It takes time to work
  • It’s of moderate assistance, especially if you have debilitating and painful arthritis


Rhonda Patrick’s General Eating Guidelines

Rhonda Patrick's General Eating Guidelines

Rhonda Patrick’s diet is based on five general guidelines:

  1. Time Restricted Feeding. She splits her day into two parts: 10 hours allotted for eating and 14 hours for fasting.
  2. No grains and sugars. Rhonda Patrick avoids foods like bread, cake, chips, cookies, pasta, and rice. As her meals contain mostly just meat, fruits, and veggies, you could say that she’s a Paleo-follower. However, she admits to eating oats and quinoa a few times per week.She has stated that cutting refined sugars out will yield the greatest benefit.
  3. Plenty of smoothies. Smoothies are rich in micronutrients like vitamins and minerals, and they have plenty of prebiotic fibers. Vitamins and minerals keep you energized and healthy, while prebiotic fibers help your digestion.
  4. A galore of Sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is a substance found in broccoli sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower, which Rhonda Patrick frequently includes in her smoothies. The benefits of sulforaphane include reduced inflammation, cardiovascular health, and cancer-preventing properties.
  5. Nutrigenomics. This term refers to the impact of nutrition on your genomics, aka your DNA. She believes that cancer-inducing DNA mutations are a result of certain nutrient deficiencies, such as folates or saturated fats. But we’ll get into most of that below.

About Time Restricted Eating

This is the first principle in Rhonda Patrick’s general eating guidelines. While the others are fairly intuitive, this one warrants an extended discussion.

How did Rhonda Patrick research restricted eating?

  • During her time at the Salk Institute, Rhonda Patrick has written a paper on the role of insulin signalling in protein misfolding and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Satchin Panda, who’s also worked at the Salk Institute, has written a book on how important it is to time our meals.
  • When speaking about time-restricted eating, Rhonda Patrick bases her arguments on Satchin Panda’s research. Besides, the moment when we eat certain meals influences our glycemic index, which ties nicely to Dr. Patrick’s research on insulin and neurodegenerative diseases.

Restricted eating has intermittent fasting mimicking benefits.

  • There have been some animal studies to investigate the benefits of time-restricted eating. In mice, it has been found that mice who have access to food for only eight hours per day have lower body fat, lower inflammation, normal GI indexes, stabilized appetites, and are better coordinated.
  • Human studies in time-restricted feeding have shown similar benefits. The subjects have better insulin sensitivity, decreased blood pressure, and decreased oxidative stress.

You would think that restricting your meals from 8 am to 2 pm as it has been done in the 2018 study cited above leaves you feeling much hungrier in the evenings.

However, the studies show that people who restrict their meal times feel less hungry in the evening that people who don’t.

Why is time-restricted eating so good for our bodies?

Once you put food – any food, including tea or coffee in your mouth – this food activates your metabolic enzymes.

Enzymes in the liver and the gut are responsible for breaking down the nutrients in your body, so they need to work efficiently.

But humans are diurnal (day creatures), so our circadian rhythms influence when metabolic enzymes are at their peak.

Humans metabolize all the nutrients better during the daytime. At night, your metabolism is slower, so eating at nighttime increases your insulin sensitivity. This means you’re not burning nutrients for fuel; you’re storing them as fat deposits.

Time Restricted Eating

What’s the scientific consensus on time-restricted feeding?

Scientists have mixed opinions regarding time-restricted eating. Although it has proven benefits on your insulin levels, weight management, and mood, recent studies show that time-restricted eating is no different than limiting your caloric intake.

However, it has been shown that time-restricted eating can help you to keep your muscle mass when you’re on a weight loss diet, and if you do resistance training. It’s also been shown that time-restricted eating helps you lose fat weight without decreasing your muscle mass.

What’s Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s time-restricted eating program?

She eats everything in a 10-hour interval. Although not as short as a 5-6 hours interval as in most intermitted fasting programs, 10 hours is much smaller than the 15 hours’ worth of time we generally eat our meals.

Micronutrient Rich Smoothies. Why Does Rhonda Patrick Put Parsley In Her Smoothie?


Rhonda Patrick takes any chance she has to highlight the benefits of smoothies. She believes that smoothies are a good way to consume your necessary daily vegetables quickly and effortlessly, especially as most people hate eating their veggies.

Another advantage is that you don’t need to cook your vegetables in a fancy sauté; the only thing you need is running water to clean them and a blender.

Rhonda Patrick believes that all people should enjoy balanced meals but knows that our hectic lifestyles are our enemies.

So even if we eat lesser quality foods throughout the day, a morning smoothie gives us the necessary dose of nutrients we need to maintain our health.

Vegetable smoothies:

  • Contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that can’t be taken from different types of foods.
  • Are filled with plant-based fibers. These fibers can’t be digested in your stomach, so they become sustenance for your gut bacteria. Fibers help good bacteria thrive so they can fight bad bacteria, which is why they’re known as prebiotic fibers. Besides, a fiber-rich diet regulates your intestinal transit and reduces the risk of constipation, diarrhea, or hemorrhoids. Fibers also help you stay full for longer, which is helpful if you’re on a time-restricted eating schedule.

Why put parsley in your smoothie?

  • It has a lot of important nutrients, such as 108% RDI vitamin A; 53% RDI vitamin C; 547% RDI vitamin K; 11% RDI folate.
  • It’s packed with antioxidants that aid your immune system, such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C. These antioxidants reduce inflammation and help you fight all sorts of diseases.
  • It’s good for your bones. With over five times the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, parsley helps rebuild bone tissue, increases your bone mineral density, and decreases the risk of fractures.
  • Can help you fight cancer. Oxidative stress has been correlated with cancer occurrence. Oxidative stress is caused by a lack of antioxidants, of which parsley has in high amounts.
  • Protects your eyes. Parsley contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which could prevent age-related macular degeneration, while beta carotene transforms into vitamin A, which promotes eye health.
  • Keeps your heart healthy. Parsley contains a lot of folates, which are associated with decreased risk for cardiovascular issues.
  • Is antibacterial. Parsley can prevent the growth of bacteria like Salmonella and Listeria, as well as Staphylococcus Aureus, though its properties have been proven in test-tube studies only.
  • It’s easy to find. And it costs very little.

Rhonda’s Typical Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Now that we’ve discussed the basic principles in Rhonda Patrick’s diet, below are some of her usual meals to get some healthy inspiration.

Scrambled Egg, Sautéed Kale & Garlic with Grapefruit recipe – for Breakfast

Scrambled Egg With Grapefruit

Apart from the ingredients above, you will also need:

  • Salt, mustard powder and olive oil to top the sautéed kale and garlic.
  • Avocado oil to scramble the eggs in, and to sauté the kale.
  • Tomatillo salsa, to make the eggs taste better.

All you need to do is:

  1. Saute the kale and garlic in avocado oil.
  2. Add some spices on top to make them tastier.
  3. Scramble the eggs in the remaining oil.
  4. Add optional tomatillo salsa on the scrambled eggs for extra taste.
  5. Cut a grapefruit in half.

This breakfast:

  • Contains all the necessary food groups.
  • It’s nutritious and filling thanks to the healthy fats in eggs and the avocado oil.
  • It’s easy to make.
  • It’s packed with protein.
  • It boasts leafy greens and kale that keep your heart healthy and have anti-aging properties.
  • It has grapefruit, a known breakfast superfood which is supposed to give your metabolism a boost and to accelerate fat burning.

Avocado Topped with Salmon Roe recipe – for Lunch

Avocado + Salmon

This recipe is one of the simples you’ll ever try.

  1. Cut an avocado in half.
  2. Add some lemon juice on the two halves.
  3. Place salmon roe (vital choice brand) on top of the two avocado halves.
  4. Grab a spoon and enjoy.

This lunch is:

  • Packed with omega-3 fatty acids in their phospholipid form, which are the easiest to metabolize in your body.
  • Light and nutritious because the healthy fats in the salmon roe and the avocado keep you feeling full for longer.
  • Filled with healthy fiber that regulates your digestive transit, thanks to the avocado.
  • Packed with protein, thanks to the salmon roe.
  • Filled with vitamin K, vitamin C, Potassium, folates, and vitamin B6.

Baked Salmon & Greens recipe – for Dinner

Baked Salmon & Greens

Rhonda Patrick has admitted to eating salmon at least two times per week, according to the American Health Association’s recommendations.

All you need for this recipe is to:

  1. Sprinkle approximately 8 ounces of salmon with some spices you like.
  2. Bake it in the oven.
  3. Put some leafy greens on your plate, such as kale and spinach.
  4. Top them with lemon, lemon juice, or add some avocado.

This dinner is:

  • Low-calorie
  • Nutritious, thanks to the healthy-fats in the salmon and the fibers in the leafy greens
  • Filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fatty acids, and antioxidants for cardiovascular, brain, and immune system health
  • Packed with healthy fibers for your digestive system
  • Convenient and easy to make

Additional dishes:

Chicken Bone Soup with Vegetables – she makes a chicken soup that has the benefits as the hydrolyzed collagen powder she uses; This soup is high in glycine,  proline, and collagen.

Grass Fed Beef – she has a grass fed steak a few times per month. Good source of Iron, vitamin B12, Iron, and Zinc (Instagram)

Mixed Berries & Nuts Bowl -she tweaks this nuts and berries bowl by adding almond butter, cacao nibs, pomegranate, and flaxseed.

Rhonda Patrick on Coffee and Intermittent Fasting

Does coffee affect the effects of intermittent fasting? Rhonda Patrick explains the relationship between coffee and intermittent fasting in one of her YouTube-available interviews.

Intermittent fasting means restricting your eating schedule to a certain period in the day.

Coffee ThoughtsOnce you put food in your mouth, your metabolism activates, and it’s better to eat your foods according to your circadian rhythm (at day, in a time-frame of maximum 12 hours).

If you add cream to your coffee, this counts as food, so it starts the clock on your metabolic enzymes if you’re drinking it in the morning.

Coffee with sugar or a creamer can’t be consumed after the eating period ends because it has food in it.

What about black coffee? Although there isn’t a lot of research on the matter, Dr. Rhonda Patrick cites a couple of studies where the participants have been allowed to drink black coffee and unsweetened sugar outside the intermittent fasting hours.

Intermittent fasting still worked for them, decreasing their insulin sensitivity, and even reducing cancer progression.

Benefits of Coffee

Coffee has certain benefits:

  • Lower risk of early death
  • Lower risk of certain types of cancer
  • Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Improved potency and sex drive
  • Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Reduced risk of Parkinson’s

How can you explain these benefits?

  • Coffee is rich in phytochemicals, which are antioxidants, so they reduce inflammation, and all the affections above start with a low inflammation.
  • Coffee has enzymes that regulate insulin and glucose metabolism, liver function, and DNA repair.

Drinking Water & Sleep / Rhonda Patrick’s Recommendation

Rhonda Patrick tweeted a study that shows the majority of global tap water is infested with plastic particles. Although she believes people need to drink 2 liters of water every day, Dr. Patrick also believes it’s important to use a water filter.

She owns a Berkey filter, which is a gravity-type of filter that gets rid of chlorine, pesticides, viruses, and even heavy metals.

That said, Dr. Rhonda Patrick believes it’s important to drink lots of water to keep healthy, energized, and to reduce the negative effects of aging.

Sleep & Drinking Water

Unlike water, coke or soda don’t keep you hydrated, so they can’t keep your cells healthy. They’re also packed with sugar, which affects your insulin sensitivity and your metabolism.

In regards to sleep, Rhonda Patrick states that peak performance is tied to your circadian rhythm.

Sleep influences our metabolism and the effects of aging, which is why it’s a scientist to get quality sleep. That’s easier said than done, considering that most people’s sleep is affected by stress.

However, she shares her personal experience to help you get a night of more quality sleep:

  1. Help establish your circadian rhythm by exposing yourself to bright light for one hour after you wake up.
  2. Stay away from blue light after sunset to make sure your body produces enough melatonin to make you sleepy. She changed all the lights in her house for Philips Hue bulbs.
  3. Stay away from screens two hours before sleeping because these devices increase anxiety.
  4. Don’t eat three hours before bedtime, to make sure your body isn’t busy to digesting your food.
  5. Make sure your room is entirely dark at night.
  6. Lower the temperature in your room according to the Sleep Council’s recommendations: 60-65°F.

Rhonda discusses melatonin supplementation as well. Melatonin is a hormone that induces sleep, secreted naturally in our bodies.

However, people who are over 50 years old and people with sleep issues, don’t produce enough melatonin so they might need this supplement to benefit from quality sleep.

Carnivore Diet. Dr. Rhonda Patrick & Joe Rogan – Podcast

On JRE #1054, Rhonda Patrick talks about the carnivore diet.

At first, she said she dismissed the carnivore diet. Her first concern relates to what attracts someone to try such a restrictive diet.

She notes that a carnivore diet can improve symptoms of autoimmune diseases, and lengthily discusses the mechanism of carnivore diets to reach these conclusions:

  • Carnivore diets lead to eating less and to a natural restriction of calories.
  • Caloric restriction and fasting can reset your immune system and achieve a stronger stress response.
  • Foods rich in fermentable fiber improve your microbiota, which is linked to autoimmunity and brain health. However, carnivore diets are rich in amino acids and have little to no fermentable fiber, so your gut microbiota is not at peak health.
  • Unhealthy gut microbiota is linked to depression.
  • Most people who follow a carnivore diet and notice positive effects do so for a couple of years max.
  • Carnivore diets may lead to weight loss.
  • Scientists can’t agree on the best diet because the studies have a lot of variables that can’t be controlled.
  • Carnivore diets have certain benefits, but Rhonda Patrick says you can obtain the same benefits through other means, such as fasting and exercise, which have been more extensively tested.
  • There are no studies for long-term damage of carnivore diets, but not eating leafy greens and vegetables might pose serious health issues. She expresses concerns with micronutrient deficiency related to the ketogenic diet but admits that a modified keto diet can be helpful in certain autoimmune diseases.

Rhonda Patrick’s Exercise Regimen


Rhonda Patrick exercises every day, even if she doesn’t have a lot of time.

The exercises she does combine:

  • Endurance training, such as running, which improves her cardiovascular condition, reduces her anxiety, and improves her brain function.
  • High Intensity Training, such as spin classes, which can delay biological aging because HIIT increases mitochondrial biogenesis – the making of new mitochondria, which are the powerhouse of your cells.
  • Strength training to keep her muscle mass toned, and to reduce the effects of aging on your strength level.
  • Stretching exercises like Yoga, which keep her flexible and toned.


This article has given you a complete Wiki on Dr. Rhonda Patrick and luckily so because there’s no Wikipedia entry for her, except one that’s proposed for deletion.

Dr Rhonda To summarize, Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a passionate adept of studying and understanding all the mechanisms behind the processes she discusses.

She doesn’t like to conclude before researching all sides of a matter, and she can back up all her arguments with a variety of scientific studies.

Although she is a PhD and published researcher, she has a charming ability to explain complex issues to regular people so that everyone can get access to good education regarding their health.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick believes in respecting your body, in the principle of moderation, in staying active, and in the benefits of intermittent fasting.

She believes that everyone can eat and sleep correctly and that many auto-immune disorders can be solved through nutrition.

What do you think of Dr. Patrick? Do you agree with her ideas?


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