Home » Longevity » 7 Best Anti-Aging Supplements (2020) | #1 Longevity & Younger Look!

7 Best Anti-Aging Supplements (2020) | #1 Longevity & Younger Look!

There are a lot of products out there claiming to help fight the signs of aging. Wherever you look, there are claims of everlasting youth and longevity being shouted at you. It’s hard to know what’s real and what’s a lie.

There have been some promising studies in the field of anti-aging supplements that have shown some promising results.

Some supplements have shown remarkable effects on skin elasticity and other topical signs of aging. Anti-Aging SupplementsMany have shown not just to help the look of aging but also to slow down or reverse the aging process inside as well.


There is no all in one anti-aging supplement!

Some can reduce muscle loss, joint pain, improve heart health, help with weigh loss and strengthen your bones. Others can help enhance vision, strengthen a weakening immune system, and enhance overall performance.

It’s important to understand a few reasons why these supplements work and the science behind them. When you have a basic understanding of how they work, it’s harder to have the wool pulled over your eyes.

We looked into seven of the most well-researched supplements to help with longevity and what makes them so effective. We take an in-depth look at the mechanisms and the results of various studies below.

Best Anti-Aging Supplements to Slow Sign of Aging That May Actually Work (2020)

COLLAGEN PEPTIDES – Best for Younger Looking Skin?

What supplements to take to look younger?

It would be Collagen. Collagen is a protein abundant in bones, muscles, tendons, and skin. Collagen works in your body as a buffer between bones. It helps with the elasticity of skin and muscles.

It is also essential for repairing and preserving connective tissues like ligaments and tendons.

As we age collagen production slows down in our body’s and as a result, we get degradation of our overall elasticity.

Collagen is one of the top overall anti-aging supplements when it comes to skin and bone health.

There have now been numerous studies that show that taking an oral supplement of collagen you can increase skin elasticity, get to hold moisture, and relieve joint pain.

It’s also used to help treat osteoarthritis. It is not a cream but great skin care product nevertheless.

By taking a collagen before and after aging begins it can help treat internal and external problems related to aging.

There are very few known risks of taking a collagen .

This one of the best anti-aging skin supplements and it is widely prescribed by doctors and dermatologists world wide.

The best brand we have found for a good, clean, and naturally sourced collagen is Perfect Keto Collagen.


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NAD SUPPLEMENTS – #1 Anti-Aging Supplement & Cell Rejuvenation

As we age, the NAD+ produced in our bodies is dramatically reduced. It is thought that NAD+ reduction may be one of the biggest culprits of why people age at all.

In a Harvard Medical School study, scientists found that by increasing NAD+ in mice they could dramatically reverse the aging process. The oral administered high levels of NAD+ daily.

Lose NAD+The result was that two-year-old mice looked and were genetically similar to mice only a few months old.

This same study on humans hasn’t yet been completed, but after the discovery of what NAD+ could be capable of, there have been numerous human clinical trials on NAD+.

These trials have shown some promising results for humans.

One of the ways NAD been shown to increase NAD+ production in aging bodies is through its precursor NR.

Tru Niagen Advanced

When we take a nicotinamide riboside, it will naturally produce NAD+ and may aid in repairing our cells and keep our bodies younger longer (Read more here)

In a study, scientist discovered that by giving nicotinamide riboside to elderly mice, it restored their organs’ ability to regenerate.

NR compounds are now available for sale as a supplement.

The leading brand is Tru Niagen who sells potent, powerful NR supplements.

Their patented product is used in other supplements, and they lead the way in NR and NAD+ research today.

If you are looking for a trusted NR supplement, Tru Niagen may be the best option and currently #1 anti aging supplement on a market.


Resveratrol to Fight Aging

Resveratrol is the reason red wine was talked about so much in the news.

It was recommended to keep your heart healthy you should have a glass of red wine a night.

Out of all the compounds found in red wine few are as well researched and have shown as many promising results as resveratrol.

Throne RESVERATROLResveratrol works by activating and increasing sirtuin activity.

It has been shown to slow down and reverse the aging process.

It can mimic the effect of a calorie restriction by decreasing insulin sensitivity, restore cardiovascular health, and promote autophagy.

There have been numerous studies shows that resveratrol can help with heart health.

It has been shown to have anti-aging capabilities including slowing down cognitive deterioration.

Resveratrol has also been shown to help to reduce and minimize wrinkles.

A cup of wine only gives you a tiny dose of resveratrol.

In fact, in the whole bottle of red wine, there is only 0.2 to 5.8 mg.

Throne Research CapsuleTo get 500 mg of resveratrol, you would need to drink 40 bottles of wine.

Some supplements offer a hefty dose of resveratrol without the overconsumption of wine.

Thorne Research offers a good Throne RESVERATROLResveratrol supplement called ResveraCel.

It includes a good dose of naturally sourced resveratrol as well as other healthy sirtuin activating compounds found in red wine.

This pill also includes Tru Niagens NR compound as well. It’s an excellent buy for an all-around longevity supplement.



Rapamycin is a prescription drug used to treat people who receive a transplant or have stents put in their heart.

Recently Rapamycin has been being looked at because of its ability to act as an inhibitor of mTOR.

Rapamycin is not a supplement but rather a yeast-derived antibiotic.

RapamycinIt has been shown to extend the lifespan of yeast, worms, flies, and middle-aged mice.

Rapamycin mimics the effects of calorie restriction, promoting autophagy, lowering insulin resistance, and reducing mTOR levels.

It has been shown to have a reversing or slowing down effect on many age-related diseases like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and loss of eyesight.

This drug, while used on humans for other purposes, has not been tested for long term use in helping with longevity. It is not known how dangerous it can be when taken for long periods.

Moreover, because this drug affects your blood glucose levels, it can cause a rapid decrease in blood sugar.

When blood glucose levels drop rapidly, it can cause severe side effects like fatigue, loss of consciousness, and even death.

Do not take this medication unless prescribed by a doctor.

It is recommended that you test your blood sugar levels consistently while taking it.


Metformin is another prescription medication that works on the AMPK pathway and may reduce mTOR levels. It is most commonly used to treat diabetes.

By lowering blood sugar levels, it can mimic the effects of long term fasting and help to reverse the symptoms of ingesting too many carbohydrates.

There has been some promising research into metformin in terms of anti-aging and longevity, but research into human trials is still needed.


This is another drug that needs to be closely supervised by a doctor as it can cause rapid decreases in blood sugar.

But there is a supplement that may mimic the effects of these two prescription drugs. For a natural alternative, there’s Berberine.

It’s a quaternary ammonium salt that is produced from plants. It is thought to work similarity to metformin and can help safely regulate blood sugar.

It can decrease inflammation caused by excessive sugar consumption. It has been shown to work on the AMPK pathway to promote autophagy.

This supplement doesn’t have many adverse reactions but shouldn’t be taking if someone is already taking blood sugar medication.

COENZYME Q10 Supplement

Coenzyme CoQ10 is a well known antioxidant compound; your body naturally produces it to help convert food into usable energy.

Q10There has been some research that points to CoQ10 improving the elasticity of skin, reducing wrinkles and improving overall texture.

It may also help alleviate age-related issues such as oxidative stress brought on by a CoQ10 deficiency.

As we age, our bodies slow down their production of CoQ10.

By supplementing this coenzyme, it may be able to restore its ability to act as an antioxidant, reduce oxidative stress and help with longevity.


Turmeric is known around the world as a culinary spice.

In some languages, it is called curcumin.

Confusingly the anti-inflammatory substance inside turmeric has also been named curcumin.

Meriva SFCurcumin, the active substance in turmeric, has been shown to help prevent cancer and most importantly decrease inflammation.

Many issues with the body come back to inflammation.

Heart disease caused by plaque is caused when inflammation swells the arteries, and the body produces cholesterol to heal the rips and tears.

Joint pain, chronic fatigue, and muscle pain have all been linked to inflammation.

By taking turmeric or refined curcumin, research has found that it can help keep down inflammatory responses in the body.

An best curcumin supplement choice is Thorne Researches Meriva SF this curcumin offers a 29 times absorption rate than other pills.

That is because the company has made this curcumin more bioavailable.



Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for healthy aging,  healthy living and staying generally healthy. Whether the source is from fish oil or krill oil, omega Omega-3 fatty acids can provide many beneficial effects.

They have been shown to ensure heart health, lower risk of muscle deterioration and prevent loss of vision.

Because of the way our body utilizes omega fatty acids they are crucial to cognitive health.

Fish Oil Omega 3Your body needs fatty acids to function. Ingesting enough omega 3 fatty acids has been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Many people have been found to lack this crucial fatty acid in their diet.

Taking a supplement can ensure a healthy brain function as well as joints, muscles, and bones as we age.

Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Phospholipids is our recommendation for a good supplement.

The Phospholipids is designed to be more bioavailable, especially for people with the APOE4 gene.

Apolipoprotein E or the APOE gene is a gene involved with processing fat in the bloodstream.

If you have this gene, it is a risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer’s.

By taking a bioavailable omega 3 supplements, you may be able to delay or negate the risk of cognitive failure & cognitive decline.



What vitamin is best for anti aging?

It is Vitamin C. We all know that vitamin C can ward off cold or other viruses. It is one of the most potent antioxidants that has also been shown to improve skin texture and appearance.

Viva Naturals Vitamin CVitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a natural way to stimulate collagen production.

Vitamin C is an essential, water-soluble vitamin and antioxidant that is found to reverse and repair sun damaged skin or aging skin (protects skin from sun damage or even skin cancer).  It can also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles (anti wrinkle effect).

Some beauty products are now packed full of vitamin C because of these amazing results, but it is most effective when ingested.

An excellent choice for a naturally sourced and non-GMO supplement would be Viva Naturals Premium Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids.

Bioflavonoids are other plant-derived compounds that have been shown to help metabolize and utilize vitamin C.’

Vitamin C can be considered as one of the best anti-aging vitamins.

Some other products / vitamins that some people believe also having effects are: green tea or green tea extract (antioxidant properties), vitamin E (protects cell membranes), amino acids such as creatine and arginine or L-arginine, stem cell supplements (no proof of working), telomere products to increase telomere length (no proof of working), Off-label use of hormones (estrogen and progesterone)

The Sirtuins: Longevity Gene Activation

Sirtuins are part of a family of proteins that has a role in regulating cell health. There are seven sirtuins in the human body. They play a crucial role in the aging process.

As we get older nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD decreases in our body.

NAD+ is a coenzyme that is found in all living cells. Sirtuins function through the usage of NAD+.

As this coenzyme diminishes so too does our bodies ability to heal itself.

The Sirtuins Longevity Gene ActivationThe cellular the health of your body depends on the function of your sirtuins.

Your sirtuins need NAD+ to be active. The less nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide you have, the less your cells can heal themselves.

The primary role of sirtuins is to remove acetyl groups from proteins.

This helps the DNA sequence properly. When it isn’t active, that’s when our bodies begin to break down.

Since their discovery 20 years ago scientists have been studying sirtuins nonstop.

They have dubbed them “the longevity genes” because of their function in healing DNA.

By increasing the NAD+ in your body and the sirtuins, you can add longevity to your cells.

NAD+ BenefitsThe research into these two pathways has to lead to some surprising and promising results.

The combination of active Sirtuins and high levels of NAD+ have been shown to have all the same positive effects of calorie restriction and fasting.

Including regulating blood sugar, lowering your insulin sensitivity, and helping to eliminate cancer cells.

They are also shown to slow down or even reverse the aging process.

By taking the precursor to NAD+ called NR, you can increase your NAD+ even as you age.

Supplements can also help increase sirtuins in your body and through the combination of the two they can work to help us stay young naturally.

Anti-Aging Pathways Explained

In the last few decades, scientists have figured out precisely what regulates our cell health.

Through a series of pathways, our cells maintain their function and stay robust and fully functioning.

When these pathways are turned off, bodies start to break down by taking a supplement that can activate these pathways and slow down or reverse the aging process.

We have covered Sirtuins and NAD+ above, but there are other players in this game.

mTOR is another protein that plays a key role in the longevity of cells and ultimately life.


mTOR links with other proteins and becomes two different complexes; mTOR complex 1 and mTOR complex 2.

These two complexes regulate different cellular processes.

mTOR is sugar fed and is currently under scrutiny for having a direct link to sugar diseases like insulin sensitivity, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

What has been found is that too much mTOR is a bad thing but too little is also bad. When there is too much mTOR, it can turn off autophagy.

What is AutophagyAutophagy is your body’s way of recycling bad cells and cleaning up the body. Too little mTOR means your body can’t grow new cells properly. The key to harmony is finding the proper amount of mTOR for optimal cell function.

AMPK or 5′ AMP-activated protein kinase is also involved in processing carbohydrates.

A healthy level of AMPK in the right issues can help decrease insulin, improve insulin sensitivity, and promote autophagy.

AMPK is involved in many of the anti-aging pathways including regulating mTOR and aiding sirtuins and NAD+.

AMPK is found in all living cells and is essential to energy balance & energy production. It detects the level of energy and signals the body when it is too high or low.

AMPK Activation TableSo we need to increase Sirtuin activity through NAD+, regulate levels of mTOR, and promote AMPK activity. How is this all done?

Well, one promising way is through calorie restriction and fasting.

If we restrict sugar intake for a while, our body can reset its pathways and fix the levels of these complexes.

Another way is through natural supplements that encourage the correct levels of each of these complexes.

Potential Benefits of Anti-Aging Supplements

Some supplementation promote AMPK, NAD+, and Sirtuins as well as regulate mTOR in our bodies.

There are choices that can control blood sugar levels and help support natural cell recycling and autophagy.

Decrease Inflammation There are also anti-aging herbal supplements that have been shown to decrease inflammation and degeneration of joints, skin, muscles, and cardiovascular function.

By taking supplements that have been shown to encourage the correct amount of cell regulation.

Then we can encourage anti-aging and restore cell health.

Many of the most promising supplements help inhibit the dangerous effects of too much sugar in our body. Some help attack and safely eliminate free radicals in our body.

Through supplements, you can gain some antiaging benefits, restore healthy cell activity and decrease your risk of heart disease, cancer, free radicals elimination, cognitive disorders, and other deteriorating diseases.

Final Thoughts on Anti Aging Supplements

There are a lot of pills on the market that claims to be the #1 anti-aging supplement.

It can be hard to navigate the barrage of information and advertisements out there.

There are however some actual potentially effective supplements to take. We hope this article helped to shed some light on this subject.

If you want to start taking anti-aging supplements, we recommend CoQ10, collagen, and Tru Niagen or ResveraCel made by Thorne Research.

Together they will provide you with the ability to stay young naturally and aid in cellular rejuvenation. Also, make sure to get enough sleep (7-9 hours is recommended)

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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